Adoption FAQs

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How to adopt a Lucky Kitty Crew cat

  • How do I adopt a pet?

    To adopt a kitty, you will need to fill out our application and email it to us. Our adoption coach will assess your kitty requirements. The application helps us learn more about your kitty needs and desires so we can help you find the right fit for your family.

    Once we receive the application, and if approved, we will be to plan a kitty meet and greet. We encourage you spend plenty of time to meet our kitties, play with them, enjoy them. Sometimes the kitty connection is instant, sometimes a second visit is encouraged since we all have “off days” and kitties are no exception. Same day adoptions are not typical. We prefer you sleep on your kitty decision so your kitty choice seems to be the best fit for your family. We always deliver our kitties to their furrever homes so we can help them get off to a stellar start on their new lives.

  • Are there any adoption requirements?

    27 years of age plus.

    Local – Houston and surrounding areas

    Typically, we do not adopt tiny kittens to families with tiny children. Not a good mix for the kitten. An older cat will have the ability to escape a tiny child’s grabbing hands when needed. Kittens are too small and become captive and can get hurt and learn bad kitten manners such as biting. We want the kitten and child to learn good manners!

    Be willing and able to Love kitties! Give proper vet care when needed, good food, be loving companions, and keep the kitties safe. 🙂

  • How to avoid picking the wrong pet?

    Be realistic about your needs. If you plan to travel, work long hours, come and go with work and school – plan two pets so they have company — another kitty or a dog.

    Do not impulse adopt! Many rescues discourage ‘same day adoptions” for that reason. We do not want to find our kitties’ relinquished to animal shelters because they turned out to be the wrong fit for the fam.

    Do not give a pet as a gift. Give a coupon for a pet and go find the purrrfect kitty.

  • Are pets for adoption healthy?

    Yes! All of our cats have been examined by a vet and treated/vaccinated as needed. If there are any special needs associated with any of our cats, we explain that to you upfront and have included any special needs in the cat’s profile page.

Still have questions?

Fill out the form below, send it and we’ll get back to you at our soonest.
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