As a sponsor or donor, your contribution is so important. The average cost for a tiny kitten to adoption is $596. This includes food, litter, microchip, vaccines, and spay/neuter. Some of our older kitties require additional care, which can range from $350 for a dental cleaning to $785 for bloodwork, ultrasound and medications.

One of our forever kitties, Buster, ate a piece of fabric which caused a blockage. He required surgery and a feeding tube. We were committed to his care and recovery which reached into the thousands.

We also promote and assist with TNR — trap, neuter, release. We can often access free neuter/spay services for these temporary crew members, however we do incur costs for transportation and their aftercare. We also loan traps and provide education on trapping.

2023 Fall Fun-raiser Sponsorship Form

2023 Lucky Kitty Crew Fun-Raiser Sponsorship Opportunities

Please submit this form with your donation by Friday, October 13, 2023
Want to pay by check? Click to download the form, fill it out and return it to us with your payment.

Kitten Cuddler

  • Name in Printed Program
  • Name on Lucky Kitty Crew Website

Treat Dispenser

  • Name in Printed Program
  • Logo and Website on Lucky Kitty Crew Website

Cat Herder

  • Logo and Website in Printed Program
  • Logo and Website on Lucky Kitty Crew Website
  • Logo on Event T-Shirt
  • Logo and Website on Tables at the Event

Lion Tamer

  • Logo and Website in Printed Program
  • Logo and Website on Lucky Kitty Crew Website
  • Logo on Event T-Shirt
  • Logo and Website on Tables at the Event
  • Reserved Table for 6 at Frio Grill – The Barn
Please select your Sponsorship Level


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Thank you to our sponsors whose support makes our work possible!